
Investiture Ceremony

Date : 13 July, 2019

Ryan International School, Shanti Nagar conducted its Investiture Ceremony 2019 to commemorate the newly elected Student Council. This ceremony strove to inculcate the values of leadership and commitment amongst the students by encouraging them to shoulder administrative responsibilities.
Translating this vision into a reality, the Investiture Ceremony was graced by the presence of dignitaries such as Hon’ble Guest Col S. Pawan Commanding Officer NCC, Sub Inspector Savitri Baghel and TI Bhuvneshwari Chouhan.
The ex-ministers lead the new parliament and passed the baton of responsibility to the newly elected juniors by handing over the school flag and house flags. The guests felicitated all Council Members, Head Boy and Head Girl of the Montessori and Primary Wing.
The Council pledged to work earnestly and uphold the honour and glory of the institution receiving their prestigious badges and sashes from the guests.

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