Anaya Kanase, a student in Grade IIC at Ryan International School, Dombivli, has added laurels to the school with her extraordinary achievement in roller skating. She has received a certificate from the Guiness Book of World Records. The event was held in Belgaum, Karnataka, from May 27–31, 2023, and was organised by the Shiv Ganga Roller Skating Club. A total of 370 skaters from all over India participated in this event. She registered her name in the Guinness Book of World Records by skating in groups for 48 consecutive hours in extreme heat and rain. The title of this attempt was "MOST PEOPLE COMPLETING 100 METRE ON SKATES IN THE LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME (48 HOURS)." And "the fastest 100 metres on inline skates is 11.21 seconds."
We are extremely proud of our little Champ and wish her more success in the future.