The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility,
luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents
wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity,
grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence,
and magic.Colors always fascinate us. It enlivens our
environment and is an integral part of our life.Keeping the
following descriptive terms in mind with the theme of the
month – Purple, Tiny toddlers at Ryan International
School, Bikaner celebrated Purple Day on September 12,
2019.Teachers and our young ryanites were beautifully
dressed in Purple. It was a pleasant and lovely day for
these tiny tots. Excitement and laughter filled the air and
The campus was vibrant with colors. They also brought
many purple colored objects-toys, fruits, vegetables etc.
Color recognition was done by displaying these items and
encouraging children to speak a few sentences on each
object in order to reinforce the concept of colour.
Children took part with great enthusiasm in various
activities. Young ryanites danced on the dulcet tones
related to purple color. They sang rhymes and songs
based on purple color.