Young astronauts of St. Joseph’s High School (CBSE), Panvel, with the support of their mentor teachers took part in various activities on the occasion of NASA day celebrations. To mark the occasion, many practical and scientific activities have been conducted in all the classes from Montessori, primary and secondary section on 29 th July 2019
Our school focused on NASA’s special mission to inspire and enrich students’
learning of Space and Earth Science through games, hands on activities and
informative articles on this day. The activities and experiments were in sync with NASA’s disciplines including design, engineering, technology and society. The teachers shed light on NASA’s space mission and its technological advancement to help the students to achieve scientific temper.
Students brought charts which describe NASA’s milestones, and they created
replicas of rockets with great enthusiasm. The day helped them to get answers of the how, the why and what of space technology. The lessons learned while doing the activities will surely help some of the students to explore the horizons of space.