
Mock Fire Safety Drill

Date : 05 August, 2019

Reaffirming the commitment towards Fire Safety, Ryan International School, Rohini, organized a Fire Safety mock drill for its students and the teachers. Fire drills are an important part of safety procedures for many reasons. The main aim was to ensure that all the students and the Ryan faculty in the building understand what they need to do if there is a fire and to educate and train them for an unforeseen emergency situation like fire, to sensitize the staff and students about life saving and rescue techniques in case of fire. The objective of the Fire Safety drill was to provide tactical experience, sufficient knowledge, and training to students and teachers alike and empower them to be able to handle any adverse situation that may arise during a Fire emergency. All the students and the teachers participated in the fire mock drill with trained fire personnel dousing the fire with state-of-the-art fire equipment.

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