Mr. Kashish Sharma
Gandhi once said that whatever we do in our lives is insignificant but it's important that we do it. One must always believe that there is no limitation to what one can achieve. I have a lucid memory of the day when I was honoured with the batch of president and all of a sudden my shoulders were heavy. The words by the guest of honour ring in my ears saying - leadership isn’t about position but action. We, the members of the student council believed in the idea and worked to our full potential to make the year 2018-19 full of opportunities and positivity. I hope that all my juniors who are the kings and queens in the making take our school to ineffable heights of success, travel the road together and work in union to keep Ryan’s banner flying high, mounted with love, hoisted with dignity and fluttering with grace. The amount of love I have for this institute and faculty is beyond what words can convey but I would like to thank my principal - M.N. Srinivasa, my mentors Ms. Pratima Jagtap, Ms. Upasana Grover, Ms. Rama Banerjee and my class teacher Mr. Amit for helping me burgeon as a leader. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support.
Kashish Sharma
(2017-18 Batch)