"Education can bring back on track any deviated affair and change the course of the world for the better."
The Ryan way is defined as KASSM
Moral Values
To make the world a better place is what we aim to develop in Ryan students. Our approach therefore is to impart education and create a renewed sense of enlightenment. The magnitude of which is well capable of establishing an individual's development to the highest level.The KASSM approach is a means that has become a guiding example, using the concept of learning out of its old conditioning. We take this concept forward by the gradual unraveling of one's inner potential through the right mix of academia and other related activities for enriched living. Hence, Ryanites are Kings and Queens in the making. Our institutions provide a learning environment that focuses on all-round development of the child.
Ryan International Group aims to be a premier global educational institution developing young minds into the leaders of tomorrow.
Our institutions cultivate children's all-round development in their moral and social skills, giving them an edge against peers.
Learner centric experiential learning curriculum delivered through inspiring educators.
All round development of the learner through a learning environment that focuses on developing KASSM.
Innovation mind-set through unique pedagogy.
Structured music and dance programs.
Visual and performing art mandated as part of the curriculum
International Children’s Festival
Ryan TV and Ryan Studio
Ryan Young Directors program
INMUN [International Model United Nations]
Programs like World Scholar’s Cup for collaborative learning
Social impact and environment projects a part of the curriculum from primary stage
Social and moral values inculcated through structured and planned sessions
Structured physical education and specific sports a part of the curriculum
Joy of giving organized during specific months in the academic year
Managing finances and finance for beginners to help students understand money and money related transactions
Programmes to create an entrepreneurial mind-set in learners
Student council playing an active role in day to day school activities
Health safety and safeguarding of the child and teacher given utmost importance