Ryan Christian School, Borivali offers all round development for your child’s bright future

Ryan Christian School, Borivali is the epitome of academic excellence

Ryan Christian School, Borivali - Creating global leaders of tomorrow.

Ryan Christian School, Borivali offers all round development for your child’s bright future

Ryan Christian School, Borivali - Creating global leaders of tomorrow

Ryan Christian School, Borivali - Creating global leaders of tomorrow.


The highest academic standards with a challenging environment - Ryan International School, Borivali

The highest academic standards with a challenging environment

Ryan Christian School in Borivali is one of the best ICSE schools in Borivali, Mumbai. Our school is accredited to the ICSE board and follows the KASSM approach, which nurtures knowledge, skills, attitudes, moral and social values in our students, enabling them to reach beyond their boundaries. At Ryan Christian School, Borivali, we employ attentive teaching methods and provide the correct set of instruments to help our students excel. Our institution is committed to providing a high-quality education that goes beyond the classroom, with a focus on overall development. If you are looking for the best ICSE schools in Borivali, Mumbai, Ryan Christian School should be your top choice.

Quick Facts


The Achievements of Ryan Christian School, Borivali

Ryan Christian School, Borivali has won many awards and recognitions

  • Wings Foundation in Association with American Express and Samhita 2019-2020 - Ryan International School, Borivali Wings Foundation in Association with American Express and Samhita 2019-2020

    Ryan Christian School, Borivali was acknowledged for its participation in the Earth Saver’s Project by Wings Foundation in Association with American Express and Samhita.

  • Preschool Grand Jury Awards 2019-20 - Ryan International School, Borivali Preschool Grand Jury Awards 2019-20

    Ryan Christian School, Borivali was ranked 8th in the category of Nature-Friendly PreSchool by, Education World.

Hall of Fame

Top Achievers at Ryan Christian School, Borivali

Students who have received recognition at the national and international levels

  • Football Football

    Event Name: Student Names: Mst. Kshitij Rao Position/Rank/Medal: Trophy Best Defender Level: State Level

  • State Athletics Meet State Athletics Meet

    Student Names: Ms. Kavya Savaliya Event Name: 1st Trackblazers Annual State Athletic Meet 2020 Position/Rank/Medal: Level: State Level

  • National Climate Champion Award 2018 National Climate Champion Award 2018

    Position/Rank/Medal: All India 2nd Position Level: International Level Event Organized by: Climate Olympiad Event Venue: United Nations General Assembly at New York City Student Names: Mst. Yohann Lobo Award Given by: Climate Olympiad

  • Matrix Cube Competition Matrix Cube Competition

    Student Names: Mst. Yohann Lobo Event Name: Cube Matrix Cube Tournament 2019 Position/Rank/Medal: All India 2nd Position Level: National Level


Recent events at Ryan Christian School, Borivali


What’s New At Ryan Christian School, Borivali